Fail2ban for sshpiperd

I recently started playing around with sshpiper for my homelab. Due to the fact that it's allowing SSH access into my network I didn't feel comfortable leaving it completely open to brute force attacks. For this reason I started looking for fail2ban configuration for it. All I could find was one forum thread that mentioned that you could create fail2ban rules for the sshpiperd logs. Since I couldn't actually find anything I went through the process of writing my own fail2ban rules and ended up with the following:

before = common.conf

_daemon = sshpiper
__pref = user\.notice [^:]+: [^ ]+ [^ ]+ connection from

prefregex = ^<F-MLFID>%(__prefix_line)s%(__pref)s</F-MLFID>\s+<F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$

failregex = ^<HOST>:\d+ establishing failed reason: open [^:]+: no such file or directory$
            ^<HOST>:\d+ establishing failed reason: EOF$
            ^<HOST>:\d+ establishing failed reason: ssh: disconnect, reason 11: $
            ^<HOST>:\d+ establishing failed reason: ssh: disconnect, reason 65: $
            ^<HOST>:\d+ establishing failed reason: ssh: disconnect, reason 67: $
            ^<HOST>:\d+ establishing failed reason: ssh: disconnect, reason 78: $
            ^<HOST>:\d+ establishing failed reason: ssh: disconnect, reason 79: $

mode = normal

maxlines = 1

You can now enable the filter by adding it to your jail.local file. My example assumes that fail2ban is logging to /var/log/messages, so you might need to tweak it based on your configuration.

bantime = 1d
#action  = %(action_mw)s
ignoreip = ::1

enabled  = true
filter   = sshpiperd
logpath  = /var/log/messages
port     = 2222
maxretry = 5
backend  = auto
findtime = 3600

Below is a screenshot showing it in action.

The missing reverse proxy for ssh scp. Contribute to tg123/sshpiper development by creating an account on GitHub.