Using Rot, Oxide's command line interface

As a bit of a proof of concept, as well as to help bridge the gap with languages that don't support D-Bus easily. I wrote a simple command line application that users can use for simple scripting against the API. It abstracts away the D-Bus interfaces into a consistent interface…

Fail2ban for sshpiperd

I recently started playing around with sshpiper for my homelab. Due to the fact that it's allowing SSH access into my network I didn't feel comfortable leaving it completely open to brute force attacks. For this reason I started looking for fail2ban configuration for it. All I could find was…

Innernet in WSL

Assumption: Running Ubuntu 20.04 WSL2 instance Install Microsoft repository and dotnet-sdk-5.0:Install .NET on Ubuntu - .NETDemonstrates the various ways to install .NET SDK and .NET Runtime on Ubuntu.Microsoft Docsadegeosudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https wget…


I've been spending a lot of time in the unofficial reMarkable Discord server. Join the reMarkable Discord Server!Check out the reMarkable community on Discord - hang out with 1,364 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.DiscordBecause of this, I've had the privilege of being able…


Backups are important. They've saved my bacon a number of times. From Omnimaga being hacked due to a weak password, to a drive straight up dying on my home server. Being able to restore from a recent backup gives so much peace-of-mind. Picking a good backup solution is difficult. I…